The Gonstead Analysis & What to Expect on Your First Visit


What to Expect on Your First Visit

Your first visit to our office will be the time for you to discuss with Dr. Davis all of your current health concerns. This visit begins with a free consultation with Dr. Davis designed to help determine your own individual needs, and to come up with an active plan to help you get your health on the right track.

After the consultation, Dr. Davis performs a thorough spinal examination to identify the condition of your nervous system. This examination includes full spinal X-rays and state of the art Gonstead Chiropractic exam procedures.

Dr. Davis will then analyze and study the examination and x-ray information to determine the best care approach for you, and to devise an individual health care plan specific to your needs.

On your second visit, Dr. Davis will explain the exam and x-ray findings in detail, and provide you with a written report. You will also be advised of any individual exercise and nutritional needs, and you will be given a treatment plan that tells you what you can expect in the weeks and months to follow.

The Gonstead Analysis (What the doctor does and why!)

The Gonstead Chiropractor conducts a thorough analysis of your spine using five criteria to detect the presence of the vertebral subluxation complex: X-ray analysis, instrumentation, static palpation, motion palpation, and visualization.
  X-ray Analysis

X-rays enable your doctor to visualize the entire structure of your spine. This is helpful in evaluating for any disease processes, fractures, posture, joint & disc integrity, and vertebral misalignments.


The instrument of choice in the Gonstead System is the nervoscope. The nervoscope detects uneven distribution of heat along the spine which can be indicative of inflammation and nerve pressure. This instrument is guided down the length of your back and feels like two fingers gliding down each side of your spine.

Static Palpation

This is simply the process of feeling, or palpating, your spine in a stationary position. Dr. Davis will feel for the presence of swelling (or edema), tenderness and any abnormal texture or tightness in the muscles and other tissues of your back.

Motion Palpation

This process involves feeling the individual segments of the spine while moving and bending it at various angles. This helps Dr. Davis to determine which segment or segments of the spine (called vertebra) are not moving the way they should and in what direction they have lost that function.



Visualization is a way to cross reference all the other findings. Remember, Dr. Davis is an expert in looking for subtle changes in your posture and movement, which could indicate any problems.



The Gonstead Adjustment

After a complete analysis, Dr. Davis, as your Gonstead practitioner, is ready to deliver necessary spinal alignments. The focus of the Dr. Davis’ adjustment is to be as specific, precise and accurate as possible, addressing only the problem areas (areas of subluxation). Great care is taken to ensure a mechanically correct position and precise thrust to provide the most accurate and painless adjustment possible. It is the goal of Dr. Davis to restore and maintain optimal health by locating and correcting any interference to the nervous system caused by vertebral subluxation.

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